Lets face it there is nothing like a bit of a nap in the afternoon. Recharges the batteries and makes you a finer, all round higher functioning, human being, I feel.
Naturally I don’t generally take a nap on the Black Sabbath Bench on the Black Sabbath Bridge. Indeed its rare I can be spotted with a bunch of flowers from Ethos in Brindleyplace, florists to the stars, indeed. Even rarer is myself, sporting whatever that is on my head. Cleary with the Guinness harp and “St Patrick’s Weekend”, well that’s a strong clue.
Cleary, or maybe not so clear, yet its Mothers day. What else could it be on the fourth Sunday of Lent? All you blokes, that often forget just how wonderful your mom is, and as all you delightful daughters will know, it time for a card and a bunch of flowers. Try Ethos, Brindleyplace, probably one of the best card selections in Westside.
Equally with my silly hat on, it’s a reminder its St Patricks day. My hat is from Velvet, a genuine Irish Bar, run by real Irish family, and may I say owned and managed by Irish women. That’s a hell of a combination. However St Patricks Weekend can be celebrated the length and breadth of Westside, at all and any of our fine venues.
So why am I taking a nap on the bench. Well, didn’t you know, its National Nap Day, that’s on March 15th. I must confess I thought this was a bit of a joke when I first head of it. But, gosh, this is serious stuff. Taking a nap is really good for you. We British don’t do it that much, but many of our foreign friends do it all the time. Indeed I lived in the Middle East for a while and we often did it then. I recall it made a hell of a difference. I looked into Lee Longlands at their beds, gosh they have a hell of a selection.
So flowers for your mom, celebrating St Patricks day, or buying that perfect bed from Lee Longlands, WestSide has got the lot. How eclectic we are..!!